
Christine Crane

Corporate Trainer, Australia


Working with Zinzi was one of the most nurturing, gentle and attuned growth experiences of my life… When I was first looking at doing a coaching series, I had changed roles at work and had started studying.

Zinzi offered me practical tools that are easy to implement and helped me to externalise what I used to keep in my head. These have me more organised, better balanced and taking a lot more action in my world. I am now experiencing less stress, less perceived pressure and a lot more freedom and creativity. This has created a great deal of positive change in my life.

It is with Zinzi's nurturing approach and insightful persistence that I have regained a connection to my Self again.

Zinzi, your beautiful energy is deeply nurturing, and also powerful. Your ability to meet me as I was in every session, and honour where I was throughout the series was amazing. You were a great support to me through the whole process.  

I absolutely love how you don't let me get away with anything, I couldn't side step a question, I couldn't dodge accountability for an action; you kept me on track and on task so that nothing was left behind.


Kris Gay



Coaching with Zinzi in 3 words was: Grounding, illuminating, life-changing.

When I first connected with Zinzi I knew I needed to work on my self-confidence and boundaries at work in order to feel good in the workplace and progress in my career.

The biggest shift I had throughout the coaching series was realising that the things I had the greatest trouble with in a work context (self-belief, boundary setting) had also been impacting my personal life. I felt this needed to be addressed before focusing on the more career specific goals, although the work done in the personal sphere actually helped with my career goals later.

Since coaching with Zinzi I am now able to investigate and interpret what my body is telling me. I haven't always been aware of my own needs so this has been a game-changer. I put limits on my consumption of online news, which was discovered to be a source of unnecessary stress. I also put processes in place to make sure I eat regularly and well. 

If you’re thinking about building your confidence at work I would suggest organising a phone or zoom meeting with Zinzi to discuss your thoughts. I personally found that while there is structure to the program there is also a lot of flexibility if your needs or goals shift and I'm really happy with how our sessions took shape.

A big thank you again for your time and energy in our work together.


Kathi Hendrick

Engineer, Strategic Designer, Adjunct Professor, Artist, USA


When we first connected, I felt I was lacking full clarity around my purpose, my vocation, and how to integrate what I was learning, seeing, feeling, attracted to, and yearning for, into myself and my everyday life. I was aware that I was challenged by fear, a perfectionist mindset, and limited beliefs.

When I connected with Zinzi, I was trying to create a new path for myself - one where I felt more aligned, balanced and integrated internally, focusing on much as my own inner, spiritual growth as my work in the world. 

I was discovering my own disconnection to my feminine energy, and trying to recover and reclaim my artistry that felt so natural early on in my life. I was also trying to reconnect to my heart space, let it speak, and restore a balanced relationship between my head and my heart.

I feel capable at setting high-level, big-vision statements. But I struggle with making those things practical and tangible. Our sessions together became that bridge. Zinzi presented the safe space, prompts and clarifying questions that challenged me to get clear on what the potential I was sensing into really looked like, felt like, etc. Translating these things from high-level goals to very specific weekly action-steps generated clarity and accountability. 

Zinzi saw my great potentials. It felt like Zinzi spoke from my own higher self before I could, but in doing so, helped me to meet you there.

I feel proud, accomplished, energized and humbled. I was in awe of how much we uncovered, pursued and realized in just a short time. I feel like I stepped more fully into my feminine spirit, nurtured my inner artist, and deepened in my heart space.

I feel I have paved a strong foundation of behaviors, mindsets, and ways of viewing myself that I was wishing for but felt previously out-of-reach.





Before I started coaching with Zinzi I was struggling to feel aligned with my true self, my spirit and my inner knowing. I wasn't feeling like I was connected to all parts of myself, especially my spirituality that I value so highly. I felt tired, clunky and deflated. I wanted to bring forth alignment and invigoration, and self confidence.

I decided to say yes to coaching when I realised that my current ways of addressing my desires and problems were not working. I was apprehensive as I didn't think that results would likely follow to be honest..

Over our coaching series I felt my confidence growing, I felt seen and that there was permission for me to give myself the space to self care. I felt that someone else valued what I valued, and helped reassure me that I wasn't barking up the wrong tree. 

I felt so grateful to have Zinzi really truly listen to me, to give me space to breathe and change directions. I am still so moved to have had space held for me in a way that helped me see my own way through, with Zinzi's skilful and powerful questions and attentive approach. Zinzi's gentle but strong holding of me in hard moments helped me to stick to my dreams and goals.

I want to thank you so, so much for your presence, your patience, your compassion and your intuition. You really helped me through and with some big shifts that I had not managed despite years of trying in different ways. 

I feel much more confidence and self-compassion as well as genuine self love – all of which have eased stress and fear immensely.


Rachel Chuang



I was feeling a bit lost when Zinzi and I first connected. I didn't really know what I was doing with my career and life. I was sort of in this passive and auto-pilot mode knowing I wanted to create but didn't know how to do it. I didn't really know what to expect but I knew I would be guided and supported.

The big realization I had during our coaching series was that we are able to create what we want; we also have a lot of power and the potential to make a big impact, more than I thought.

After completing our coaching series I now feel more deep rooted, self-assured and confident. I’m beginning to understand the power of manifestation. Our sessions also helped me to know more about myself and gave me a lot of tools for me in my life. I’ve picked up my daily meditation practice again after our coaching series. 

If I could describe my coaching experience in 3 words: full of love!!!

Lots of gratitude for you and for everything you do Zinzi.


Stephanie Leonard



When we first connected I was feeling a little lost and disconnected with myself, my spiritual practice and purpose. I had a goal of setting a time daily for my meditation and spiritual practice but found that other things got in the way such as work etc and this then led me to feeling guilty.

I’d put pressure on myself as I felt I couldn't say no to people as I felt like I was letting them down. I wanted to explore finding more of a community who engaged in a spiritual or meditation practice.

Something that I have been struggling with for years is saying no to people and sometimes this is at the detriment of my own health. My big lightbulb moment was when I realised through working with Zinzi that the fears that had been holding me back from saying no were very unlikely, and even if they did happen I could deal with that. This felt liberating and life changing for me.

Since working with Zinzi my partner has noticed that I feel more connected and happier in wanting to get back to my practice. I've noticed that I am starting to say no to people a bit more and putting myself first and realising it is not selfish.

It was such an insightful program and I'm excited to continue with the steps I put in place. Zinzi is a wonderful coach who supported me through each step and helped me to realise some obstacles where I was stuck that I didn't even realise. She gave me the tools I needed to create my own path in guiding me back to myself and to put steps in place to achieve my goals. 

Zinzi has such a warm heart and will go through this wonderful journey every step of the way with nothing but love and support for you.