Hi there incredible woman, welcome to my online home.

My name is Zinzi and I help women in male led workplaces who struggle with self doubt and anxiety to feel calm and confident and love their work again.

Does this sound like you?….

  • You’re driven and you really want to do well, you put a lot of pressure on yourself and set the bar really high. 

  • In a meeting you get the subtle cues that others miss, you sense and feel other people’s unease.

  • Work some crazy hours that you know aren’t viable in the long term. Your health and your family is suffering, and you just don’t know how to switch off. 

  • Doubt yourself because maybe you’ve taken a different pathway to get to where you are, or maybe you’re new to the field.

  • Don’t feel like you can express yourself fully at work, and as a woman. You’re holding yourself back from asking those stupid questions and you feel a bit lonely and isolated.

  • You’re spending so much time working that you feel disconnected from your true Self and what you really want.

  • You want to do really meaningful work, but you’re not landing those work/tasks/projects that get you really inspired.

  • Trying to work out whether you should quit your job and go somewhere else.

I see you and feel you. I’ve been there.

I’ve been in your shoes…

I grew up a sensitive soul, connected with nature. I was driven by my deep curiosity of existence… and wanting to build things and pull things apart. 

I loved studying engineering, being one of only a couple of women in the class to me was a novelty (minus being left out of group work… sigh!). I loved the practical work, spending time both outdoors and indoors, and designing things for real world applications.

Then the self doubt and anxiety started creeping in….

Landing on my first big construction site was a shock to the system. I was getting asked so many questions and was often left out of key meetings that would have given me the intel I needed.

I hated not having the answer and looking stupid. Especially as I was the only woman on our part of the site with 20-30 personnel. 

I had great mentors and things got better with time, but I struggled with my own self doubt and anxiety. I’d lie in bed at night and my subconscious would dig through the day’s or week’s happenings and find something to stress me out.

Fast forward 3 years…

I was an anxious wreck. I’d ended up on the worst kind of project that no one wanted to be on because the schedule was so tight.

I was driving to the other side of town, 6 days a week 10-12 hour days. I was so tired, and emotional from the lack of sleep. I felt out of my depth, stretched to the limit.

My tipping point came where I was so anxious about going to work I couldn’t get out of my car, so I phoned my manager to take me off the project. I felt like such a failure.

…a few months after that I quit

I joined a smaller company thinking I’d have more work life balance, that smaller projects wouldn’t freak me out and I’d feel better at work.

How wrong I was.

I found myself in an almost identical situation as before, pure panic. I started to realise that I was the common denominator and something needed to change on a more fundamental level.

That’s when my inner journey began and I started to see some big changes happen

I’d heard about meditation but never tried it. So I started by seeking out a meditation group. I started discovering books like The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr Joseph Murphy and A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and became fascinated to learn more about the mind, mindfulness, and mindset.

I started practicing yoga and learning more about what it means to be introverted and empathic. As the years went on I dived deeper studying yoga and meditation in Bali and India, then Vedic Astrology. I began a daily meditation practice that I still maintain. This inner work changed my life.

This big inner work means that I am now doing the most meaningful work of my life.

Now my work now feels effortless, intuitive, inspiring. I also still work in a male led working environment in IT. and I love it, and they love me.

I've worked my way up and no longer feel anxious about the pressure or responsibility because I know what I need at work to feel good, to feel supported and have important boundaries in place, and how to express myself.

My work feels spacious, balanced, creative and it lights me up.

You can have this too.

Want to make a lasting change?

Changing your job might change the work culture and who knows what you’re really in for in the gig.

It won’t change you, and from my direct experience the self doubt, the overwork, the overthinking, doesn’t magically disappear when you open your laptop for the first time in the new job.

What I’ve created is a holistic solution that helps you from the inside out to create lasting change without changing your job.

That’s why in my CLEAR coaching program we work from the inside out

We’ll start with creating and sustaining Calm & Clarity, then we move onto your Beliefs, Boundaries and how you communicate these.

Only once these foundations are in place do we start looking at strategic support, how you want to grow, evolve and uplevel your career.

After completing our coaching series I now feel more deep rooted, self-assured and confident. I’m beginning to understand the power of manifestation. Our sessions also helped me to know more about myself and gave me a lot of tools for me in my life. I’ve picked up my daily meditation practice again after our coaching series. 

– Rachel Chuang