Career Coaching & Astrology Program

Uncover and land that dream job

With the insights of the stars

Hey beautiful,

Are you feeling uninspired, stuck, or burnt out in your current career? You might be really good at what you do, but the passion is no longer there.

You feel unfulfilled. You want to do more meaningful work (without sacrificing your lifestyle!) but you don’t know what.

You may have even started to explore personal development, mindfulness or wellbeing and it’s sparked the question around whether you’re giving your time and energy to the wrong career.

You’re feeling that it might be time for a change, you just don’t know what new direction to go in.

You’re in the right place.


Not having to count down the hours, or chase the weekends because you actually LOVE doing your work each day.

Making a difference in the world AND getting paid well with the flexibility and balance you crave.

Imagine not having to hide those feminine aspects or caring responsibilities, just to fit into a masculine corporate world that burns you out.

You’ve tried…

You’ve tried changing roles, jobs, up-skilling, reading self help books or even going on retreat, but you’re still no more excited about work on Monday.

You may have worked with a career coach before but they only helped you with your resume or application letters. They didn’t help you in finding answers to the bigger questions around your true purpose in clarifying your dream career.

You feel stuck with your existing skillset and experience and don’t know whether you need to retrain or reframe your mindset.

So why are you still not excited about Mondays?

Changing jobs when you’re in the wrong career path doesn’t help. We can find ourselves in a similar situation to before or even worse than where we came from.

Our thinking can really limit the possibilities and doesn’t get to the heart of why you want the change you do.

Most career coaching focuses only on practical steps and tools of finding a new job without addressing the deeper questions of career alignment.

If we just focus on the career strategy and your resume you could be aiming for the wrong job! …and waste a LOT of money, time and energy along the way.

Imagine taking up studies only to discover that’s not what you really want, ugh!

I don’t want this for you beautiful.

I do things differently…

I combine Vedic Astrology with Career Coaching to help you uncover your true purpose and ideal career path. My holistic approach ensures we get to the core of why you’re wanting to change and the clear path and practical support to step into your new career.

Your mindset will get a big upgrade along the way. Ensuring that you not only negotiate the best conditions for your dream job, but feel confident and inspired in stepping into your dream career.

Be supported with ALL of the practical aspects, including resumes, application letters, LinkedIn profiles, portfolios, interview preparation, practice and more, to help you stand out and land that dream job.

You’ll receive guidance from someone who is a certified career coach and has career changed twice successfully. I understand the challenges with significant career change and can help you navigate them with ease.

“My experience with Zinzi as a career coach was one of a kind! …every session was insightful and a joy to be in. She gave a very holistic approach to the job hunt, making me rethink how I approached the job hunt and life in general.”

– Kimberly Ann, USA

What we’ll cover together

  • Goals and your why

    We’ll create inspiring and achievable goals, and you’ll leave each coaching session with clear steps to take with support the whole way.

  • Mindset

    No more dreaming small, or holding yourself back! We’ll transform your mindset to invite the career and life of your dreams.

  • Vedic Astrology reading

    Going deep into your astrological birth chart, we’ll uncover your soul purpose, any blocks to overcome and leave you with deeper self awareness.

  • Practical support

    You’ll receive expert feedback and support with your resume, application letters, LinkedIn, portfolio, AND interview strategy, practice and support.

  • Your unique-ness

    We’ll uncover what makes you unique, and celebrate these to help you not only stand out, but land aligned opportunities that will help you show up as truly you.

  • Wellbeing & self care

    A foundational part of this program is your wellbeing. You’ll achieve greater life balance, boost your energy and and confidence to land that dream job.

Our program

Part 1

Uncover that dream job

Week 1 – Your why & clear goals

Clarity on why you’re looking for a change and creating crystal clear career and life goals

Week 2 – Astrology Reading

Uncover your true career purpose, get a deeper understanding of yourself and the energies and blocks you’re working with

Week 3 – Uncover your dream direction

Bring together the insights of the astrology reading, and your own reflections and realisations to uncover your dream direction

Week 4 – Dream job action plan

We’ll get down to the nitty gritty of exactly how you’re going to land that dream job. We’ll look at you’re existing skillset, experience and studies and plan the most efficient, enjoyable and (manageable!) path towards it.

Fortnightly 1:1 career coaching

We’ll shift gears and move into fortnightly 45 min one-on-one career coaching calls (6 total) focusing on helping you with every step towards landing that dream career whilst feeling good in your mind and body.

Practical career support

Get practical support with your career assets: Resume, LinkedIn presence, Application letters, Portfolio (as applicable). These aren’t just a one off like some programs, you’ll be supported in tailoring each and every application or resume to the specific job you’re applying for.

Be supported with each and every interview you land including strategic preparation, interview practice and effective follow up.

Astrological insight to give you that strategic edge

Astrological insights, supportive timings and tips.

Mindset and wellbeing

Finding a new career can be challenging, but with my mindset and wellbeing support including guided meditations, and personalised wellbeing support you’ll feel confident, radiant and energised along the way.

Part 2

Land that
dream job

What’s included

  • One-on-one personalised career coaching

  • Astrological reading, and insights, tips and guidance throughout the program

  • Career roadmap and action plan

  • Career asset support and feedback: Resume, LinkedIn presence, Application letters, Portfolio (as applicable)

  • Tailored Interview support for every job interview


  • Voice and email support between sessions

  • Guided meditations

  • ChatGPT support to automate processes to lighten the workload of finding a new job.

Tahsin Kabir, Canada

“During our time together, I landed more interviews and one turned into an offer. She guided me with practical insights and encouraged me EVERY step of the way…I 1000% recommend her to anyone else who may be feeling stuck and wants to make changes in their life”

Listen to Tahsin’s journey of landing her dream job moving from Product Management into her first Product Designer role whilst completing the EmpoweredUX group career coaching program.

Frequently asked questions

  • Vedic Astrology will give you insight into your true career purpose, your rising sign, sun and moon sign. You'll also see what planet is ruling your current life stage and how to harness that energy.

    You'll walk away with a clear understanding of career possibilities, greater self awareness, and knowledge of when big shifts are coming up in your life and what they can bring and offer.

    You'll get a reading of your birth and career chart, receive a copy of the chart and a recording of the reading to refer back to and use as a guide.

  • Before the reading you'll complete a questionnaire that gives you the option to let me know about any areas of your life you don't want insight into.

    I'm also incredibly mindful of ensuring these readings are helpful, inspiring and uplifting. I'll be focusing on helping you realise the positive aspects of your life and how to make the most of the energy in your chart.

  • We'll look at all the transferrable skills you have and how to position you effectively. If you do decide to take up longer studies you'll have the option exit the program at the end of phase 1 and rejoin for phase 2 when your studies are completed.

  • Phase 1 of the program you'll need about 2–3 hours per week.

    Phase 2 where you'll be applying for jobs, really depends on how many positions you apply for and interview opportunities you get. We'll make sure it's manageable and strategic so you get results with your available time and don't burn out.

  • Dream jobs, interviews, confidence and so much more. The list is endless!

Diana Barreto, USA

“I had the privilege of being a part of Zinzi's career group coaching sessions, and my experience was absolutely wonderful and insightful. Zinzi's holistic approach to coaching was a fresh breath of air... If you're looking for a thoughtful, passionate, and experienced mentor, Zinzi is the coach for you.